Ritual Space Completed; Full Moon Dedication A Bust


I worked all weekend on my garden out front, really pushed myself in the heat to get it finished. I really wanted to dedicate it last night during the full moon. Well, it’s finished. It’s wonderful. And I was in bed, knocked out on flu meds when I should have been out dedicating it.

All I could manage was a quick prayer. I’ll come back and do the full sage – and – circle bit when I’m up to it. For now, tho, here are pics of the completed project.

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The baskets and pots you see are various herbs and veggies. I have 3 kinds of basil, oregano, thyme, rosemary, stevia, peppermint, chocolate mint, lavender, dill, marjoram and chamomile herbs either growing or planted and waiting to sprout. The very back in the large basket are purple pole beans – just like green beans, but purple. Supposedly they turn green when they cook. We’ll see as the vines are just getting going.

Back on the porch I have cucumbers that I grew from seed, and have already harvested and eaten some of them. Then there are yellow tomatoes and red bell peppers – both of those I got seeds from store-bought produce. I’m most excited about the yellow tomatoes as those are just about my favorite food.


The first blooms on the yellow tomato plant


Cucumbers continuing to grow


The first bloom on the bell pepper plant

We had some rain yesterday morning, and then I got to see that the local wildlife apparently approves of my efforts. I’ve had several birds, but yesterday saw a bunny and a squirrel.

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Next up I’m going to get some solar lighting. I’m hoping the wildlife means the fairies will also feel welcome. I’ll keep you posted.


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