Things I’m learning and experiences I’m having, along with some basic how-to stuff. I’m just a few years into this path, so come learn with me!

On the Death of Rush Limbaugh
I feel a bit strange. Many of my friends and people I follow online are rejoicing gleefully today over the news that Rush Limbaugh has died. Rush and I go way back, all the way to 1989. My grandparents had given me a hand-me-down car (a 1977 Chevy Chevette) that only got AM radio. It […]

Proselytizers Will Be Eaten
Last night I made a quick trip to my neighborhood grocery store. Mostly I was bored, tired of scrolling the Netflix offerings and looking for an excuse for a bottle of wine and a date with Redbox. Classic Pandemic Blues. (1- it was late on a Sunday when the store wouldn’t be crowded and I […]

Hurricane Florence Raises Questions About The Lord God’s Political Affiliation
As the “Storm of a lifetime” bears down on the state of North Carolina, questions are being raised about the motives behind the storm, and the decision taken by The Lord God to wreak such devastation on a state that considers itself His ally. In the wake of past natural disasters, representatives of God have […]

The Pagan’s Guide To Lughnasadh with CPTSD
During my first year as a Pagan I hit each stop on the Wheel hard, with the zeal of a new convert. This year, not so much. I did do Bealtine huge this year – went all the way to Ireland for the traditional fire on the Hill of Uisneach (which I still need to […]

Biddy Early: Healing Comes With a Cost
In the southwest of Ireland, midway between Galway and Limerick, a mother and father are worriedly tending their sick daughter. Tenant farmers in the time of Famine, most of the family was starving. They’d likely be evicted when the rent next came due. But none of that was as urgent as what was happening to […]

Newgrange: Old Magic and New Discoveries
This week, previously unknown monuments have been discovered near Newgrange. The discovery was made by Anthony Murphy of Mythical Ireland – the same Anthony Murphy who was kind enough to be my tour guide to the monuments of the Boyne Valley during my trip to Ireland. Which made me realize I’ve never finished writing about […]

Tara: Seat of Kings, and one Great Queen
The day I landed in Ireland I was exhausted, aching, and completely overwhelmed. After getting the rental car I was supposed to stop at this town called Swords that had a large shopping center. The idea was a cheap coffeemaker, grinder, and flat iron for the bestie as none of our electronics would work with […]

Ogulla Holy Well: A Microcosm of Irish Spiritual History
Just outside of Tulsk, as part of the Rathcroghan royal complex, sits the holy well of Ogulla. This place has been a sacred site well back into pagan times, and so of course has been coopted by the Catholic church. This, however, did nothing to diminish the powerful experience I had there. The Official History […]

Lessons Learned in Ireland
“I’m gonna blog EVERY DAY!!” Said the naive American, confident in her blanket cell phone service and wall-to-wall wifi. Then, she landed in an airport in Dublin, which is supposedly a European capital city, yet has an airport strangely reminiscent of a dilapidated Social Services building. She was immediately confronted with something called “International Roaming,” […]

A Healing Pilgrimage To Ireland
I’m sitting in the airport in Raleigh, North Carolina. In just 2 more hours I will be on my way to Ireland. The past weeks have been difficult. Some unfortunate contact with my mother has had me full of anxiety. And of course she’s heard about my trip and tried to contact me again before […]